We don’t know the power of awareness.
Lots of people know they know things better than others. This is the major drawback in the paths of awareness. Knowledge is the basic input for increasing our awareness. Probably, we all agree.
The sources of acquiring knowledge are unlimited, but we limit ourselves to staying updated to meet the pressing demands of our professions or other regular engagements.
Reading books as per our choices is a sure way to enhance our level of awareness bit by bit. But the majority are not attracted to this source. All are claiming to be too busy to spare even one hour a day to read. If we decide to read, we can spare time every day to do it. In fact, our energy is diverted toward unproductive activities.
Where the pace of change is too fast to get a grip on it, any negligence to keep ourselves updated places us in the class of the ignorant.
Ignorance breeds a lot of confusion, contradictions, dissatisfaction, lack of confidence, not allowing one to go into details about anything, and other deficiencies. Incidentally, ignorant people are largely aggressive and argumentative, as they believe these are the means to win.
Now coming back to the issue of awareness, it is better to start from the acceptance of "not knowing adequately" to the "unlimited range of possibilities." Acceptance of realities provides the solid foundation needed to build ever-growing spheres of knowledge.
It is not possible to know everything, but we may travel up the mountain of awareness step by step. Adding something daily makes dramatic changes in the range of our awareness. In this process, we may know the things that are influencing our activities directly. We may also help others more appropriately.
Note that most of our information may not be correct. It is therefore imperative to get them verified from other sources to free our understanding from ambiguities.