We may feel good about some habits, but they are not good.
Being busy is not enough. We have to be productive. Our intentions are pious. They serve no purpose until they are translated into actions. We feel bored. We must examine the reasons. We hate solitude. Solitude is not bad if we know how to derive gems from those moments.
Then what do we do? We cultivate some flawed habits to be joyfully engaged day after day and remain away from main tasks. Some are architects, some are academics, some are farmers, and some are homemakers, but it is a compulsion for livelihood and not a choice. So they are tired and unhappy every day.
By the way, in recent times, we have portable devices in our hands to go through pictures, images, video games, cooking tips, shopping online, breaking news, and a variety of other things to feel good.
We have no time to check the utility of 24 hours in a day and probably no regrets about the misuse of time and energy. We get glued to unproductive activities just to get dopamine and be relaxed. Dopamine is a hormone that is produced when we are attracted to highly preferred episodes and feel good, as happens in the case of music, songs, and games.
Something is there that keeps small kids eyes on smartphones. How the law of attraction operates in the minds of toddlers, and they are not distracted for hours. It is not the best scheme, but it is the most popular among carers. Video makers are earning at the cost of our poor services to kids, which they deserve.
On the same pattern, our likings are simply a play of different hormones, but largely we fail to estimate what happens to our minds. We are attached to football as viewers. We have fixed our senses on the scenarios, moment by moment. What we gain out of it. Whether four lines of news were not sufficient, looking at the fact that our main tasks were urgent,
We take mood swings, tedious jobs, a lack of harmony at workplaces, and many other causes into account while justifying our work as a burden and boring engagement.
We may examine cases of misusing our time and energy individually and make all our days productive and impactful. The following dimensions need our immediate attention to minimise mindless hours:
1. Feeling of emptiness
Regardless of occupation, we have free time for two to three hours per day. We are unsure of what to do. Join a course, learn new skills, read books, write a journal, or practice something productive. Emptiness is gone.
2. Where are our eyes?
Just check why we turn towards checking messages, scrolling screens, and searching for breaking news in all empty moments and particularly before sleeping. Our eyes look, and our minds absorb. Bad inputs can’t produce charming outputs.
3. We need to be relaxed.
Why so. Coming back from the office, some of us get exhausted. Finding reasons and remedies is simple in our own cases. But we keep complaining, and at the extreme, we take it as fate.
4. Returns and rewards
We seek quick rewards for everything we do. For many actions, rewards are not immediate. Waiting, however, needs to be enjoyed and not diverted to games and plays of no use in the long term.
5. Check the talks in a day.
We have no tools to profile what we have done in 24 hours. Most of our talks are highly repetitive and yield no benefits. We must save our time here and use it to upgrade ourselves.
6. Disturbed sleeping
The reasons for bad sleep are anxiety and stress. assumptions of wrongs, and we use this time on phones to pass time. Always unhealthy. Anxiety must be utilised to make us proactive.
7. The amount of responsibility
If someone is responsible, he or she is productive. There is no time for distraction for them. Take responsibility and see how unproductive hours shrink.
8. Reasons for fears
We are always fearful. It shows a lack of confidence. Confidence is not an inborn trait. We nurture it when we participate in challenging tasks.
9. Time is running out.
We must realise that our youth period will not return, our adulthood can’t be reversed, and the days of old age are bonus periods to consolidate what we have done so far. Why we are wasting 25 hours per week on useless things. Hours may vary among individuals, but they are not fully deniable.
10. We are capable.
It is the highest and most honourable principle for everyone. We can do anything if we insist. Someone is a good writer. He or she thought, acted, and became a well-known writer today.
11. Not looking inside
Our inner power remains hugely untapped, and many of us are still heedless. As per rough work, only 10% of people know the power of looking inward and keep upgrading every year.
12. Failures are not a shame.
This is a common weakness. Failures are still shameful for many. Change this attitude. Failure asks where to go and how much more effort is required. Failures are inputs for our boldness.
13. Not sharing problems
The habit of sharing makes difficult problems manageable. Don’t pick up digital devices; rather, go to reliable individuals. and seek remedies for chronic or disturbing issues.
14. Be a little visionary.
We can’t bury problems forever. Problems are to be addressed; we need alternatives and should take it as a challenge. As we do vaccination to answer many diseases.
15. limited contacts
Many of us have a long list of friends and sympathizers. Keep it limited. Otherwise, they become avenues to misuse our productive hours. Outsiders can help only when we remain pivotal to the issue.
16. Technology orientation
We have to be technology-driven. We must learn to keep up with growing technology, at least to meet our needs.
17. Mood boosters
We need mood boosters. It does not mean to stay with entertainment for more than working hours. We have to have a balance.
18. One by one
Change is a slow process. Habits take time to be formed or unformed.
19. Start today. There is no tomorrow for those who make the most of today. The mind wanders, but keep a rope in our hands to place it in the orbit of prescribed action.
20. Nothing is lost.
Don’t feel sorry for the misuse of time and energy. Take the lesson, make corrections, and work on aspiration.
In brief
Minimise unproductive hours through the means selected individually, but unhealthy habits need to be curbed soon.