We observe we learn, we evolve, and we create a new world.
All start with individuals, and changes occur far and wide.
Some people are making things happen, while the majority are just witnessing the transformation in all walks of life and at all places, all their lives.
The secret divulged by Marie Curie, as below, has given me fresh impetus to think differently.
"You cannot hope to build a better world without improving individuals. To that end, each of us must work for our improvement and, at the same time, share a general responsibility for all humanity."
First, believe that all individuals matter more than circumstances, resources, and their present contribution.
Nobody is born to live passively. Neither you, nor me, nor somebody else.
The secret of life is not to be sedentary.
"The idea that some lives matter less is the root of all that is wrong with the world." Paul Farmer
All individuals are competent in one way or another to contribute to the wellness of all creatures on this planet. Humans are responsible for making this world better, step by step.
"Do your little bit of good where you are; it is those little bits of good put together that overwhelm the world." Desmond Tutu.
The law of nature prescribes growth. Hence, the world is moving forward. In all changes, behind the scenes are individuals dedicated to serving mankind that can be noticed, if not today, certainly tomorrow, and in the days to come.
In all change, knowledge is the driving force. Knowledge spawns knowledge in geometric progression.
"Not to know is bad; not to wish to know is worse." African proverb.
The catch is to allow people to blossom in the roles they are best at playing.
All individuals have something secret in them, and no other person can know or operate that. Explore what that secret is about you.
The future belongs to those who are vibrant and dynamic today. The dynamic groups have made many of their actions digital, fast, and accurate.
I realize how instantly money is transferred today as compared to the long process involving two or three days at the beginning of this century. Who is behind changing this scene?
Nothing is to be explained.
Then where to look for progress onwards.
A crisis is the spot to initiate the process of growth. Most of the time, we succumb to disturbing situations and change gears from thriving to surviving. Ultimately, the opportunity to grow is lost.
So use all uncertainties, obstacles, and failings to identify opportunities to grow and go faster.
Why is it necessary to be better than yesterday?
Just track the records. We are growing, we are adding value to things, we have moved from the stone age to the digital savvy scenario, and we are diving further into unknown spaces to explore more. We are succeeding.
The rule is to keep moving, and miracles happen. A person who reaches the top of a mountain just keeps climbing, ignoring all the noises in the air about "no record."
People around you will say that it is not possible. Let this narrative be a clue to keep striving. This is the thesis of living larger than what you are today.
Social conditioning has made us more fearful than the realities on the ground. It is also true that we struggle because we have some fears in our minds. Otherwise, we are complacent.
In all realms of life, it is courage that forces us to march towards unknown paths and get whatever was just an imagination.
And courage is cultivated. Courage evolves. Courage changes the conditions. Courage moulds the design of our thinking and actions. Courage confirms our capability.
Broadly, creativity happens at two levels: individually and collectively. However, a few personalities are at the centre of joint efforts too. It is the concept or imagination of one or two people that actualizes wonder.
It is the concept of the Wright brothers that we are flying today.
We must observe that birds know how to create a safe nest, and bees know the geometry of their hives.
Humans are supreme among creatures on this planet. Note it. We are born to excel in our choices.
Strong minds discuss ideas, average minds discuss events and weak minds discuss people, is the saying of Socrates.
The way we talk to ourselves matters more than how we speak to the world.
Many are riddled with self-deception and self-doubt. Such people are deciding whole pictures, taking a single hurdle as final as if nothing remains to be done.
Real change is possible only when people change themselves; otherwise, all forces and systems seem inane to effect long-term change.
A few words more:
☆Check yourself to see whether you observe or are reflecting. People miss checking even the details of what they eat and drink.
☆ whether you are willing to know more and grow to the next level.
☆ Have you allowed your setbacks to set aside what "the present" is offering?
☆ Are you examining your self-worth from time to time?
☆ Who is preventing you from moving forward? None.
☆ What are the metrics for gauging your stamina and strength? Vague
☆ Do you affirm that, whether you are young or older, you are capable of doing something impactful?
☆ Change is painful. But this is the only tool that reveals the reason for your existence.
Let this topic end with a vow to play your cards of life to surprise even you.