We seek life in stability but real life happens in instability.
The whole life is consumed in solving the puzzle of moving in a zone where others are afraid.
Born to live, live to act, act to succeed, succeed to feel better, and these patterns are most common in people regardless of their ambitions, limitations and broader pictures before them.
Assessing what I did so far, it seems never to match with the advantages I was living with in the past.
There is no regret, but just a review. A review to create some ideas. Ideas to reframe courses of correction.
While getting upgraded from one class to the next, in my upper schooling, there was a strong desire to cover up deficiencies during the next summer vacation, but they were just bubbles.
In those days of books and blackboards, to be fractionally better in a class was not tough. What was lacking was a passion to excel.
Always, the average amount of preparation, no sincerity, no extra activities, just as usual, year after year.
Any disruption was taken as something to push me away from my goals, and I never took this obstruction as an opportunity to place me into new territory.
One of my seniors was completely different, and he was always scoring the highest till completion of his schooling.
He continued to be distinguished in his professional and social activities too.
He prevailed upon conditions in all four years while 99% of students, including myself, have sufficient excuses to remain just above average in some way or the other.
We counted everything from the weather to festivals to teachers to home affairs, to justify
my ranking whatever it was.
This was one of many drawbacks in my 20s that kept me away from all possibilities of glittering.
What I missed out: The epoch of the 20s is crucial to keep pages of life shining and not to submit before the noises and chaotic scenarios.
Going forward, in my 30s, it was time to decide on a career and be comfortable.
Limited information was available, but certainly, there was a craze for serving reputed organisations. This was my preference too.
Hardly a few of us dared to accept the challenges of higher risks and move into unknown territories.
A known pattern and search for regular income ( salary) was a common choice of career among my friends and colleagues. Simply - I was having a vision to see the visible, not the invisible.
What I missed out: In the 30s, there were unlimited possibilities to aim high and be the best among the equals.
All talking was based on existing patterns and rarely on possibility systems.
In my 40s, there was a tight-fitting between my monthly salary and basic consumptions. Saving and investments were not regular components, though it was possible and manageable.
No roadmap of how to meet the expanding necessities in the next 5 or 10 years.
Learning was limited to professional requirements, not in higher skills, knowing more languages, and not using computers to keep an eye on future patterns.
What I missed out: There was 100% concentration on the job and delivering more than what was entrusted to me. Basic financial needs were addressed, leaving everything" let it come"
Not exposing to discomforts. Not exploring new frontiers.
In the 50s, there are many peaks of life for anyone living with responsibilities. There was hardly any Preparation for what would be my life once the job ended and the mask was removed.
This was another turning point in my life. No plan how to invest time and energy, once the day schedule is over.
What I missed out: you need not be a genius but you must be genuine in making all days of your life noteworthy.
There must be planning for the next 5 or 10 years and doing something possible.
A higher level of maturity comes with handling setbacks and failures without any remorse.
Searching for stability in all my endeavours was a great limitation that prevented me from going above the crowds.
No focus on creative ideas and engaging fully in routines were barriers to personal growth.