When we know that we know, matter ends.
Knowledge expands. Learning has no limit. Understanding is flexible. Wisdom stretches as we use it. In spite of all these statements, there are groups of people who define their own world and run their lives within their own periphery. In this article, this dilemma has been presented at a glance. Positions have been elaborated for basic clarity.
Let us understand the whole picture from down to upward on the basis of awareness and willingness to cope with fast-changing scenarios.
● People don’t know about their extreme ignorance.
These people belong to the lowest level on all parameters. They have created their own limitations and are reluctant to add or delete anything, even before entering adulthood. They believe that whatever they are, it is sufficient to lead a reasonable life. They classify themselves on some traditional grounds and feel proud. They mix less with the outside world. They are against the systems, rules, and emerging norms, and sometimes technology too, particularly when they are losers. Maximum display of negativity and enviousness, plus such ignorant people are usually arrogant. They are ahead in consuming whatever their savings allow them to purchase. Broadly, there is zero contribution to the chains of production, distribution, and services. They live largely for pleasure. In most places, they are in the majority and talk either about past glories or apprehension for the future. They have been told how to think. Most of them are strong in some kind of belief. They seek approval for what they do. They desire to win without entering the game of life.
● People know what is not known.
A realistic group, at least in approach and common dealings. This group accepts that they have limited knowledge. They know the reasons for their backwardness and, at times, discrimination. They are not reluctant to raise awareness if possible. They realise their meagre contribution to raising high standards of living. They participate and support the working conditions. They are literate to a limited extent. They largely think independently. They tolerate criticism. No self-glorification and fewer grievances
● People know what they know.
This group is literate and largely informed. They are participants in the developmental steps and schemes for upward movements in life. They like to be evolved. They are not satisfied with what they know. They are eager to seek their active participation in whole schemes of change. They firmly believe in stability through growth. However, they are afraid to go beyond what is not known. They are free thinkers. They have dreams and purposes. They say life is not only for merriment. However, only some of them have the big picture in mind, and such individuals or their clusters do things to make an impact. They know the power of resilience.
● People know what they need to know.
This is a curious group that believes in conscious living. They are changing the world in all spheres of human life. This is the most vibrant and dynamic group. Whatever the social, economic, and cultural landscapes, such people look upward and see what is invisible to the masses. They prefer to enter unknown territories and make innovations and discoveries. They are always inclined to do more. They work on the principle that everything is limitless and that possibilities exist on land, sea, space, and even more. They are impatient for actions and patient for outcomes. They turn obstacles into opportunities. They turn threats into thrills. They achieve perfection through practice.
Sum up
When our knowledge level changes, our choices start widening; we come to know the gaps and disconnections; we start to meet the gaps and reach the fresh territories; we know no boundaries; we work for mankind; and the whole scenario is given a new look.