Willpower is more powerful than others' internal drives.
It is strange that many of us are not counting on our internal strengths. They rely more on external forces. This is the core reason for being on the sidelines in many affairs in a social context.
All sorts of innate powers may push our lives forward amazingly. But we prefer to be the same year after year. Our inner qualities are invisible. We believe what we see. So programmes on self-awareness or self-esteem are not influencing people to a noticeable extent, in spite of all our efforts to do our best.
We usually realise our weaknesses more promptly than our mental strengths. It is not an issue. But we need to discover our own strengths without wasting time.
Our greatest power is willpower. Willpower drives us to go not only as far as it is possible but as far as it has hitherto been impossible.
Willpower makes the most dramatic differences in our lives. The study of the lives of people in history suggests that willpower was the main source of energy in them.
Motivational speeches have influenced those who were seeking insights to go forward, but others have remained indifferent to reality.
What we observe is that we get excited for some time but leave it largely incomplete. It seems as if the mind has stopped acting, similar to a vehicle without fuel.
When the fuel of our mind is willpower, there is no possibility of leaving the task at hand half done.
Willpower evolves when we are clear in our minds regarding the purpose of our activities. Let us work on increasing our willpower so that we may achieve the purposes that were still not in our plans of action.