Winning habits free up time for more tasks in a day.
Sow an action and reap a habit.
We are not born with habits. As we grow, habits evolve, good or bad, making a huge difference in our personalities. Being punctual is a good habit, while procrastination is a bad habit. Habits are formed, deformed, reformed, and adjusted to make ourselves transform with the passage of time.
We are getting ready in the mornings, keeping sufficient margin for the main activities of the day. It facilitates doing the prescribed work plus something else because of our good habits. It is like getting more time in a day than others, even in the same occupation and conditions.
Upbringing plays a crucial role in making and breaking habits. Even washing hands before meals is a habit that is learned in many cultures when a kid learns how to eat.
Close to half of our activities are regulated by our habits in education, performance, and even old age. When we are careful, good habits are dominant and bad habits get recessive, whether in a practical life or a less active life. Many people are careless, and they allow bad habits to be rooted in their routines. They feel helpless, though they are grossly negligent.
Habits take time to grow, but they evolve and become as essential as sleeping and eating. Know that bad habits like sleeping nine hours in adulthood can be replaced with standard habits of sleeping seven hours. Obviously, we are saving two hours every day by correcting one bad habit.
The formation of desirable habits is a struggle, but it pays off lifelong and, surprisingly, beyond any measure.
When bad habits are not nipped in the bud, they become part of our behaviors, and they create fears about facing challenges, leaving us stuck in a dilemma of luck or discrimination.
Habits are like chips in the subconscious mind. Gradually, they become essential components of our mindsets. Remember that using the mind is always in our control.
We learn to drive with full application of the conscious mind. When driving becomes a habit, we use the steering, going back, slowing, and accelerating of moving vehicles subconsciously. Now hands, legs, and eyes do their jobs, and habits take care of everything.
Keeping work half-done is a great default. Criticizing others never solves any issue. It is a loss of time in something unproductive. We can control these bad habits the moment we decide to get rid of them.
Excuses are worse habits. When we are ready with excuses, we forget that this design is ultimately going to harm no one but ourselves.
Good people pay higher prices for being good. But they continue, as they are habitual in delivering the benefits to others. They understand the meaning of life. They use all the moments of life for some purpose.
There are many things we learn from other people. Be crazy to learn the merits of people in our contact at any place in any capacity on any occasion.
Develop the habit of seeing things that are invisible today. This is the path of progress. Develop the habit of staying and looking at things more closely than colleagues or partners. These traits are most likely to lead to miracles.
A person perfects himself by doing any activity herself or himself; that is not possible simply by knowing principles and theories. What we are expected to do ourselves, we must do while keeping hesitation and shame at bay.
One good habit creates space for other good habits. It is a chain effect. Finally, they are the backbone of our daily affairs.
Being stubborn is a bad habit. We can modify it when we are exposed to different surroundings. We take our rigidity as merit, never realizing that it is spoiling games for a better life.
Defending our intentions and actions all the time is a bad habit. In this process, we miss the opportunities to get ourselves improved, where pondering over our attitude was imperative.
Find out what others in our contacts are missing in their routines. Take those missing points in habits and be better than others. Reading habits among many people, for example, are diminishing. When someone develops this habit, her or his understanding grows faster than others. Evidently, reading is the most desirable habit, irrespective of age, gender, race, or background.
Habits are our footsteps on this earth. People will relate our personalities to these footsteps. Thus, it is essential to be careful of our habits.
There is no alternative to good deeds. Every day we get opportunities to do something better, but we ignore them. We realize this mistake when the time to correct it is over and our bodily functions are deteriorating.
Let’s talk about one more important aptitude. The pressing aptitude for taking more and more from the surroundings has adversely impacted the inclination to give to the needy. It widens the gap between the materially poor and the rich. And of course, all these phenomena fall within the periphery of habits.
A long story short
Be grateful for the life we are living today. When we feel the meaning of our presence, we automatically move towards goodness. We have been designed to be forward-looking to connect with nature, see how things are helpful to the human race, and allow other creatures to live in harmony. Habits play a major role in making our lives purposeful and memorable.
Never deny the fact that habits matter in any culture, tradition, or perspective.
No regret. There is time to inculcate good habits until our senses are in place.