Writing down observations, thoughts, and events is a tool for a quality life.
People have their own interests, choices, and plans to lead a mindful life. They have their own stories and their own circles to share how they look at things.
Writing down anything relevant in human lives is a brilliant habit, but it is practised by a tiny minority among the masses. We describe it as journaling, personal records, a note book, or a diary. These styles of noting are not the same, but in this article, the focus is on the essence of keeping personal records of the feelings, emotions, and behaviours of others as well as our own.
It is also to be examined whether they are simply documents or a tool of self-expression, sharing a cross-section of ideas and ladders for human development.
We can’t keep everything in our memories. They fade as we age, except for harsh or excellent memories. The idea comes and vanishes before taking shape. Our emotions or the reactions of others often put things off track. The issue is limited to winning or losing arguments.
Articles by great writers and thinkers are to be saved for future reference. Often, we forget in which book we came across something that is still twinkling in our minds.
Writing it down is the best answer to all these problems. It is better to keep a physical note book. It has aesthetic value. Nevertheless, as per the shifting pattern of record keeping, the use of digital devices is convenient for youth at this time, and this trend is likely to be the main one.
We read and fail to refer at the point of need; we hear and remember for a short time; and when we write, they become part of our living conditions. We can refer to it as and when required.
It is not necessary to write something every day. We preserve good articles; we may record findings of our interest; we collect data; we may take note of some explanation; we may write our own ideas; we may record the advice of others; and there may be a variety of things as tools for self-expression and self-reflection. As we move on this path, interest increases and benefits multiply.
It provides an opportunity to modify our own concepts and eliminate many wrongs in our minds. It has also become a source for strengthening our points of view and frames of understanding.
We have to have a practise of noting down whatever comes to our minds and what we find in magazines, journals, books, or any other source. We may have different note books for different topics in our studies.
After a long time, we find the answer to a question. It deserves to be noted as a top priority. It adds beauty to our knowledge. At times, we get an elaboration all of a sudden on scrap paper that has been hunting our minds for years. It gives us a unique feeling about our own curiosity to know more.
As our note-taking practises increase, we become less judgmental. It is a golden trait. Our habit of seeking quick fixes for every issue often spoils the game of life. When issues are seen from a larger perspective, reality is highlighted. It brings more clarity and changes the way we look at things.
As we sow, so we reap. It is an old narrative, but it is still valid. What we feed our minds is reflected in our behaviours. Our habit of noting simultaneously gives input to our minds for processing. At the time of writing itself, many unsound collections in our minds are deleted.
We must write down our own strengths and weaknesses. We must take steps to expand our strengths and narrow our weaknesses. We must write down our goals and aspirations. We may revisit them periodically.
We must have our personal stories narrated in one form or another to externalise what we have experienced in our lives, good or bad.
Making and preserving ideas, emotions, wisdom, life skills, creativity, problem solving, and paths of possibility, both from the outside world and our own, is the best investment of our time and energy, as our experiences certify.